Cinnamon Bark Tincture
Cinnamon Bark Tincture
Cinnamon Bark Tincture
Cinnamon Bark Tincture

Cinnamon Bark Tincture

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SKU: MK-0094

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Cinnamon Bark Tincture is a true treat for your olfactory senses. It is prepared from organic Ceylon cinnamon bark, soaked in grain alcohol for longer periods. The small pieces of cinnamon bark are dried in a clean, warm environment to preserve its natural flavors and signature phytochemical content for delivering you the best quality tincture.

Cinnamon Bark Tincture is an amazing antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, astringent, carminative, and stimulant. Its remarkable anti-inflammatory property helps reduce chronic inflammation, diabetes, and cardiovascular disorders. It is also helpful in reducing pain, body aches, cancer cells growth, and formation of blood vessels in the tumor that results in tumor cells death.



  • Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Bark
  • Grain Alcohol (50%)


Take half to a full dropper of Ceylon Cinnamon Bark Tincture up to 3 times a day in water or tea.


About Cinnamon

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum), also known as true cinnamon, is marked by small green trees of a height no more than 15 meters and green flowers with ovate-oblong leaves. 

Cinnamon is regarded as a prestigious spice in the culinary world, especially in the subcontinent. Medicinally, it is used to support the treatment of diabetes, obesity, diarrhea, indigestion, flatulence, bacterial infections, viral infections, and spasms. It is a great stimulant that wakes the lost appetite, mobilizes stagnant blood, and bolsters the weakened immune system.


Cinnamon Bark Tincture Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cinnamon Tincture?

Cinnamon Bark Tincture is an alcoholic extract of cinnamon bark that addresses a vast array of ailments. It is popular due to its anti-diabetic activity by enhancing the glycogen synthetase action which stimulates the insulin receptors sensitivity. Commonly, it helps with loss of appetite, diarrhea, indigestion, flatulence, cold/flu symptoms, headache sore throat, microbial infections, and cardiovascular diseases. It also reduces cancer cells proliferation and stops the formation of blood vessels to kill tumors. It is rich in vitamin A that can prevent the onset of dementia and loss of vision.


Is Cinnamon Tincture Safe for Children?

Cinnamon Bark Tincture is adequately safe for children to use. It boosts the immune system and provides relief to the children from seasonal allergies, cold/flu, and wet cough. It also improves the cognitive functions of children by healthily metabolizing their excessive glucose buildup. Cinnamon tincture possesses calcium and iron which helps develop strong bones, teeth, and a healthy oral cavity.


Is Cinnamon Tincture Good for Stabilizing Blood Sugar?

Cinnamon Bark Tincture is the best option to tame hyperglycemia. It reduces the hollering blood sugar level by enhancing the activity of glycogen synthetase that in turn activates the insulin receptors and controls the reading on the glucose meter.


Is Cinnamon Tincture Anti-Viral?

Cinnamon Bark Tincture is fully capable of taking down the virus that affects human DNA and wrecks havoc in the immune system. It stops viral multiplication when consumed and helps in protecting a wide array of viruses.


Is Cinnamon Tincture Safe to Use During Pregnancy?

It is plausible to consume cinnamon in food amounts but there isn’t enough safety evidence for the use of Cinnamon Bark Tincture. Being a stimulant, it can induce uterine contractions and bleeding that may lead to miscarriages. Stay on the safe side and avoid using it. 

Should I use Cinnamon Tincture Everyday?

Cinnamon Bark Tincture offers multiple benefits but its dose and extent of administration must be discussed with a doctor/pharmacist or herbal expert. Its excessive use can result in extremely low levels of blood sugar that might be fatal.  


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