Catnip - Products We Love!

Catnip - Products We Love!

By Shannon, Posted in MK Product

When we think of catnip, our minds often drift to images of blissed-out cats, rolling and frolicking in euphoria. But did you know that this magical herb, scientifically known as Nepeta cataria, isn’t just for our feline friends? 

Humans, too, can revel in its myriad benefits. Catnip has nervine and sedative properties that make it a go-to for stress relief and better sleep, and its digestive properties are a bonus for our tummy troubles. 

Here, we explore four fabulous products featuring catnip that will have you purring with contentment.

Catnip Tea

Imagine a tea that can help you unwind after a long and also soothe your stomach. Catnip Tea is renowned for its nervine properties, which means it works wonders on your nervous system, gently calming your mind and body. 

Catnip tea also aids digestion. If you’ve indulged a bit too much at dinner or are dealing with pesky bloating, a cup of catnip tea can help ease your discomfort. Its mild antispasmodic properties can soothe gastrointestinal distress, making it a delightful dual-purpose drink.

Catnip Tincture

For those who prefer a more concentrated form of catnip, a tincture is the way to go. Catnip Tincture packs a punch with its potent nervine and sedative effects. Just a few drops under your tongue, and you’ll feel the day's worries melt away. It’s perfect for those moments when you need quick relief from stress or anxiety.

The digestive benefits of catnip tincture are also noteworthy. It can be particularly helpful for relieving symptoms of indigestion, such as cramping and gas. Keep a bottle handy, and you’ll have a powerful ally in your wellness arsenal.

Sleep Oxymel

If sleep has been elusive, our Sleep Oxymel featuring catnip might be your ticket to dreamland. Catnip’s sedative properties make it a perfect ingredient for a sleep-promoting oxymel. Take a spoonful before bed, and let the calming effects of catnip work their magic.

Not only does this delightful concoction help you sleep, but it also supports digestion. The combination of vinegar and honey with catnip can stimulate your digestive system, making it easier for you to drift off to sleep without any stomach disturbances.

Sleep Tea Blend

For those who love their nighttime rituals, our Sleep Tea Blend with catnip is the ultimate nightcap. This blend usually combines catnip with other soothing herbs like chamomile, passionflower, and lavender. The result is a powerful yet gentle tea that can help you unwind and prepare for a restful night. 

The nervine and sedative properties of catnip in the blend help relax your nervous system, while the digestive benefits ensure that your stomach is at ease. Sipping on this blend before bed can become a cherished part of your nightly routine, setting the stage for sweet dreams.