Homemade Dandelion Root Tincture - Mayernik Kitchen

Homemade Dandelion Root Tincture - Mayernik Kitchen

By Shannon, Posted in MK Product

Anyone that knows Matt knows that he is open to eating pretty much anything.  Though this used to extend a bit further – you know, with the meat and seafood world – he has definitely kept up an active palette even since becoming vegetarian.  He devises some combinations of ingredients that most would never think to pair, and he is (almost) always successful.  A few years ago, he did a bit of research on dandelions.  Since they are so commonly found, Matt decided that, as long as they aren’t poisonous (don’t worry, they’re far from it!), they may as well be consumed.  Since then, dandelions have been lovingly coined Matt’s “favorite weed” and he hasn’t turned back.

Aside from making plenty of dandelion salads in the early spring, we have discovered that dandelions can be used all year ‘round with proper preservation and preparation.  In the spring, we began foraging all the dandelions we could find on our own property. After I let Matt have a few for immediate consumption, we began to plan other uses for these wild-growing flowers.  About eight weeks ago, we began soaking some of our dandelion roots in vodka, and thus, the dandelion root tincture was born. You can get your hands on this amazing root tincture in this month's Out of the Woods Apothecary Box


Homemade Dandelion Root Tincture - Mayernik Kitchen #mayernikkitchen


Dandelion roots have so much to offer in terms of your health.  They are a natural diuretic, helping with your overall kidney and liver function.  They remove any excess water from your body, and promote healthy heart function.  Other countries throughout the world have been using dandelion root for centuries as a blood builder and natural detoxifier.  Though most people discard these known weeds, they can help lower your cholesterol, cleanse your liver, stabilize your blood pressure, and they even offer a ton of vitamins like A, C, and D and minerals like iron and magnesium.  The tincture offers a pretty long shelf-life if stored correctly, but since we recommend using it daily for best results, it likely won’t last that long in your cabinets!


Homemade Dandelion Root Tincture - Mayernik Kitchen #mayernikkitchen