Herbs that can be used as a Anticatarrhal

What is Anticatarrhal?

Anticatarrhal substances are those that help alleviate or prevent excess mucus or phlegm in the respiratory system. These substances can impart different actions such as mucolytic action, expectorant properties, anti-inflammatory effects, immunomodulatory effects, and antimicrobial action.

They help in thinning the stagnant mucus for its easy expulsion. They can stimulate the production of respiratory tract fluids, making the mucus less sticky and easier to cough up. They also reduce the inflammation associated with mucus and bacterial/viral infection, aiding in reducing mucus production.

What are the benefits of Anticatarrhals?

Anticatarrhals help with various conditions including:

  • Cold
  • Flu
  • Sinusitis
  • Bronchitis
  • Other allergies

3 Herbs that can be used as Anticatarrhals



Eucalyptus is commonly acknowledged for its potential as an anticatarrhal agent owing to its inherent properties that aid in relieving respiratory congestion and reducing excessive mucus. It contains compounds such as cineole, also referred to as eucalyptol, which offers diverse therapeutic benefits.
Cineole manifests mucolytic properties as it assists in breaking the mucus, facilitating its easier expulsion from the respiratory system. This action is particularly beneficial in conditions characterized by thick and abundant mucus, like bronchitis or sinusitis.
It also demonstrates expectorant property that helps cough up the phlegm for clearing the respiratory passage. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action assist in combating infections that contribute to heightened mucus production. 
Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil and inhale the resulting steam to loosen the mucus and clear the passage. You can also massage its diluted oil on your chest and throat to reduce the severity of congestion. 

Licorice Root

Licorice Root

Licorice root is well-known for its ability to potentially alleviate excessive mucus and congestion in respiratory issues, thanks to its active components like glycyrrhizin and flavonoids, which provide various positive effects. 
Glycyrrhizin found in licorice root acts as a mucolytic agent, helping to break down and thin mucus consistency. This action assists in different conditions, especially bronchitis and persistent cough. It aids in clearing respiratory passages, easing congestion, and supporting the coughing up of phlegm due to its expectorant quality.
Its flavonoid content imparts anti-inflammatory action which helps in curtailing excessive mucus production triggered by irritation or infection. Use licorice root powder in the form of tea, syrup, or gargle to alleviate throat irritation and useless mucus production.



Ginger is often hailed for its potential as an effective anticatarrhal due to its active components, such as gingerol and shogaol, which contribute to alleviating mucus accumulation and easing respiratory congestion. 
It is known for its mucolytic, expectorant, and decongesting properties. All these actions produce synergy to release the stagnant mucus from the air passage for a better breathing experience. The active components in ginger exhibit anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce irritation in the respiratory tract. By mitigating inflammation, ginger may contribute to decreased mucus production.
Ginger also serves as immune support which can aid in combating infections and reducing mucus production associated with illnesses. Use Ginger Tincture or Ginger Infused Honey to achieve freedom from the shackles of phlegm.

Other Medicinal Plants that act as a Anticatarrhal