Herbs that can be used as an Antiemetic

What are Antiemetics?

Antiemetic substances mitigate or prevent the occurrence of nausea and vomiting. These symptoms can manifest due to various triggers, such as motion sickness, chemotherapy, pregnancy, specific medical ailments, or the recuperation period after surgery.

Antiemetics function by interfering with the bodily signals responsible for inducing the reflex to vomit, by soothing stomach discomfort and minimizing irritation, or by directly addressing the root causes of nausea and vomiting. Another way antiemetics works is by soothing the stomach and minimizing irritation. Certain antiemetic compounds soothe the digestive tract by protecting the stomach lining or by reducing inflammation. 

What are the benefits of Antiemetics?

  • Prevent nausea and vomiting
  • Improve the quality of life, such as that of chemotherapy patients and pregnant women
  • Reduce motion sickness
  • Reduce dehydration
  • Avoid malnutrition
  • Manage gastrointestinal health

3 Herbs Recommended as an Antiemetic

Ginger Root

Ginger Root

Ginger is a widely recognized natural remedy with a history of effectively alleviating nausea and vomiting. Its potential as an antiemetic lies in its ability to soothe the stomach and reduce irritation, particularly by influencing the action of serotonin, a neurotransmitter linked to these symptoms. Pregnant women also frequently use it to treat morning sickness, a type of nausea and vomiting that occurs throughout pregnancy.

Beyond its antiemetic properties, ginger's digestive benefits can indirectly contribute to preventing nausea by promoting healthy digestion. People have found relief from motion sickness by consuming ginger in various forms, such as ginger candies, tea, tinctures, or capsules. 

Some studies have suggested that ginger may be effective in reducing chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting when used in conjunction with standard antiemetic medications.

If considering Ginger Tincture for managing specific medical conditions, it's advisable to seek guidance from a healthcare provider to ensure its safety and suitability for the particular situation.



Peppermint is widely acknowledged as a traditional natural solution utilized for its antiemetic properties, which is largely credited to its menthol content. It relieves the symptoms of nausea and vomiting by alleviating digestive distress which in turn promotes muscle relaxation within the gastrointestinal system, largely credited to its menthol component.

Pregnant women, experiencing morning sickness, which is a prevalent form of nausea during pregnancy, have also found relief in peppermint tea or lozenges due to its calming and soothing attributes.

It is often consumed in the form of tincture, teas, or candies that offer relief from motion sickness and mild nausea. Its pleasant aroma and flavor have a calming impact on the digestive system, which can help mitigate sensations of nausea and the associated urge to vomit.



Chamomile is commonly used as a natural remedy to combat nausea and vomiting, thanks to its antiemetic properties. Its renowned soothing and anti-inflammatory attributes make it effective in calming the digestive system. This way, it mitigates nausea and lessens the chance of vomiting, especially when nausea is associated with digestive problems.

Chamomile tea is a common remedy used by expectant mothers to treat morning sickness. Similarly, people who are experiencing motion sickness or mild nausea can find some solace in chamomile tea. Its soothing flavor and aroma can help to relax the digestive tract, which may lessen the urge to throw up.

Its natural calming properties make it a popular choice for individuals experiencing nausea induced by stress or anxiety. Many people opt for chamomile tea and tincture as a means to alleviate these symptoms and promote relaxation. 

Other Medicinal Plants that act as an Antiemetic