Herbs that can be used as a Diaphoretic

What is a Diaphoretic?

Diaphoretic is an herbal action that induces perspiration/sweating in order to normalize the body temperature and relieve fever. This action is also employed for the management of health and to prevent diseases that occur due to the accumulation of excessive waste and moisture in the body. It includes the diseases of various organs, such as the brain, heart, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal, skin, kidneys, and the cases that involve bites and poisoning.

Diaphoretic herbs urge the sweat to come out through the skin pores and expel the diluted waste products. These herbs can be applied topically as embrocation or orally as decoction and tinctures.

what are the benefits of Diaphoretics?

Diaphoretic agents normalize body temperature and alleviate fever. They help in expelling out the excessive moisture in the body and diluted waste products, reducing the chances of developing disorders associated with:

  • Brain
  • Heart
  • Respiratory tract
  • Gastrointestinal tract
  • Kidneys
  • Musculoskeletal and skin
  • Bites and poisoning cases.

3 Herbs Recommended as Diaphoretics



Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is a nutritious herb that offers plenty of benefits. Apart from its nerve-soothing and stress-relieving attributes, it also holds a diaphoretic property that leads to perspiration. This can be fruitful in not just reducing fever but also helping purge harmful toxins out of the body which improves the rate of metabolism. This way, the fat-burning process accelerates and accounts for weight loss. Use Catnip Tea or Tincture as a weight loss aid. 



Elecampane (Inula helenium) is a sweat-promoting herb and is beneficial for people who want to reduce fever and purge harmful toxins. Take half to a full dropper of Elecampane Tincture up to three times a day in water or tea to correct the rate of metabolism and relieve stagnation of food in the digestive tract. Its stimulatory attribute also comes in handy for treating cough, asthma, and bronchitis. 



Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) is a mint family diaphoretic that boosts blood circulation and promotes sweating. It also facilitates the eradication of toxins from the body, especially foreign material that triggers the temperature rise. Use Peppermint Tincture at least three times a day in water or tea and remove the unwanted toxins, rectify the metabolic rate, initiate the fat-burning process, and lose weight. 

Other Medicinal Plants that can be used as a Diaphoretic