Herbs that can be used for as an Emetic

What Is Emetic?

Emetic action is the physiological response triggered by a substance that induces vomiting. This reaction occurs when the substance stimulates the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) in the brain which subsequently activates the vomiting center. As a result of this procedure, the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes, the abdominal muscles contract and the stomach contents are expelled by the mouth.

Emetic action is often used in cases of poisoning or overdose to quickly remove harmful substances from the body. Although, the use of emetics should only be done so by a medical professional as indiscriminate usage can be harmful, especially if the patient is already dehydrated or in a vulnerable condition.

What are the benefits of Emetic herbs?

The most potential benefits of emetic herbs are:

  • Detoxification
  • Aid in digestion
  • Expel out toxins from the body in case of poisoning
  • Clear the airways to relieve congestion

3 Herbs Recommended as a Cathartic



Lobelia is a plant that has been traditionally used as an emetic herb due to its ability to induce vomiting when ingested. The active component of lobelia, lobeline, is thought to have emetic effects via interacting with the digestive and respiratory systems. However, its use should be carefully monitored and guided by a healthcare professional, as improper use can cause harmful side effects.



Bayberry is traditionally used as an emetic herb due to its ability to induce vomiting when ingested. The active ingredients in bayberry, myricitrin, myricetin, and tannins, are believed to act on the digestive system to produce emetic effects. It also helps with respiratory conditions, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and various skin issues. It should be used in moderation, under the supervision of a healthcare practitioner to avoid any harmful effects.



Vervain is used for various pathological conditions, one of which is its use as emetic. It is not included in common practice to induce vomiting. Its other benefits include calming anxiety, improving digestion, helping with respiratory infections, and boosting immunity to fight harmful pathogens. 

Other Medicinal Plants that act as a Emetic