Herbs that can be used as a vulnerary

What are vulneraries?

The term "vulnerary" comes from the Latin word "vulnus," which means "wound." Vulnerary action refers to the ability of a substance, such as an herb or medication, to promote the healing of wounds and injuries. 

Substances with vulnerary action can help to reduce inflammation, promote tissue regeneration, and prevent infection in wounds. These substances may be applied topically to the affected area or taken orally to help promote healing from the inside out. Vulnerary action is an important aspect of natural medicine and can be used to complement other treatments for a variety of health conditions.

Vulnerary action is commonly used in traditional and natural medicine to treat cuts, scrapes, burns, and other types of injuries. However, it's important to note that severe wounds or injuries should always be evaluated and treated by a medical professional.


What are the benefits of vulnerary Actions?

Following are the benefits of vulnerary herbs:

  • Wound healing
  • Prevent infections
  • Reduce scarring
  • Soothe pain and discomfort
  • Promoted the overall health of skin matrix

6 Herbs that can be used as Vulnerary agents



Calendula is often used as a vulnerary agent due to its healing and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been traditionally used topically to promote wound healing, reduce inflammation, and soothe skin irritations. It is believed to promote tissue regeneration and stimulate collagen production, which can help to minimize scarring and promote overall skin health.

Calendula also has antimicrobial properties, which can help to prevent infection at the site of a wound. Use Sunshine Salve at least 2-3 times daily to mitigate skin injury. 



Comfrey is commonly used as a vulnerary agent due to its ability to promote wound healing and reduce inflammation. Many different skin conditions, including wounds, cuts, bruises, and burns, have been treated topically with comfrey. Additionally, it has analgesic qualities that may lessen the pain and discomfort brought on by skin irritations. The roots and leaves of the comfrey plant contain allantoin, a compound that is believed to stimulate cell growth and promote tissue regeneration.

Use Sunshine Salve at least 2-3 times daily to accelerate the wound healing process.

St. John's Wort

St. John's Wort

St. John’s Wort can be an effective vulnerary agent. Its flowers and leaves contain hypericin and hyperforin that impart anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. It can be used topically to treat minor wounds, cuts, scrapes, and burns, and soothe irritation by reducing inflammation.

Use St. John’s Wort Oil topically to promote tissue regeneration, reduce pain and swelling, and prevent infection at the site of a wound.


Other Medicinal Plants that Act as vulneraries