Burdock - Live Plant

Burdock - Live Plant

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SKU: Plant-24-419

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$6.00 $4.50

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Unlock the secret to holistic health and culinary creativity with our premium Burdock Live Plant. Bursting with vitality, this robust perennial herbaceous plant offers a myriad of benefits for both body and palate.

In the realm of wellness, burdock is celebrated for its detoxifying properties, renowned in traditional medicine for promoting digestion, cleansing the blood, and supporting overall vitality. It is also capable of elevating your culinary endeavors with its earthy, nutty flavor profile that adds depth and complexity to a variety of dishes. With its lush green foliage and resilient nature, our live burdock plant is the perfect addition to any herb garden, providing year-round beauty and functionality. 

It is available in a 3.5” pot

About Burdock

Burdock (Arctium lappa) stands tall as a biennial plant adorned with striking, broad leaves and clusters of purple flowers that bloom atop sturdy stalks. From its towering stalks crowned with clusters of purple blooms to its broad, heart-shaped leaves, burdock exudes natural beauty and resilience. 

Its tender young leaves can be harvested and enjoyed raw in salads or lightly cooked as a nutritious green. Its taproot, long and gnarled, is a culinary delicacy prized for its earthy, sweet flavor. Its diuretic and diaphoretic properties support the body's natural detoxification processes, promoting overall wellness. Burdock is valued for its capacity to treat a variety of dermatological issues on the skin, where its cleansing qualities also apply. Burdock's anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities help relieve inflammation and support healthy, glowing skin, helping to treat everything from psoriasis and dry skin to acne and eczema. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities help relieve inflammation and support healthy, glowing skin, helping to treat everything from psoriasis and dry skin to acne and eczema.


How to Use Burdock

  • Tincture: Immerse the dried and chopped leaves and stems of burdock in grain alcohol for 4 to 6 weeks. This process yields a concentrated tincture brimming with the essence of burdock.
  • Tea:  For a soothing brew, steep dried burdock leaves and flowers in hot water for approximately 10 minutes. This infusion effectively extracts the herb's beneficial properties, delivering a comforting experience.
  • Salve: Combine burdock-infused oil with beeswax to create a gentle topical salve, perfect for external applications.
  • Vinegar Infusion: Immerse dried burdock leaves and stems in either apple cider vinegar or white wine vinegar for 2 to 4 weeks. Throughout this period, shake the mixture periodically and consider adding more vinegar to enhance the potency of the resulting burdock-infused vinegar.

Burdock - Live Plant Frequently Asked Questions

Is Burdock an annual or perennial plant?

Burdock is a biennial plant, meaning it completes its life cycle over the course of two years. In the first year, burdock typically grows vegetatively, producing a rosette of large leaves. During the second year, it sends up a flowering stalk, produces seeds, and then dies back.


How much space should be needed to grow Burdock?

Burdock plants can grow quite large, so they require ample space to thrive. When planting burdock, it's essential to allocate enough room to accommodate its sprawling growth habit. For optimal growth, allow at least 2 to 3 feet of space between each burdock plant. This spacing ensures that the plants have enough room to develop without crowding each other.


What zone does Burdock grow in?

Burdock typically thrives in temperate climates and is well-suited to USDA hardiness zones 3 through 9, although it can tolerate colder temperatures in zone 2 with proper care.


When should I harvest Burdock?

Harvest young burdock leaves when they are tender and still vibrant green. This is typically done in the spring or early summer before the plant sends up its flowering stalk. Avoid harvesting older leaves, as they can become tough and bitter.

The roots of burdock are typically harvested in the fall of the plant's first year or the early spring of its second year before the flowering stalk emerges. At this time, the roots are at their peak of nutrition and flavor. 


Does Burdock flower or fruit?

Yes, burdock produces both flowers and fruits. In its second year of growth, burdock sends up tall, sturdy flowering stalks adorned with clusters of small purple or pink flowers. These flowers are typically produced in the summer months and are attractive to pollinators like bees and butterflies. After the flowers are pollinated, they develop into burrs, which are the characteristic seed heads of the burdock plant. These burrs contain numerous seeds, each equipped with tiny hooks that allow them to easily attach to fur or clothing for dispersal.


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