Feverfew: Fever & Headache Remedy

Feverfew: Fever & Headache Remedy

By Shannon, Posted in Herbal Remedies

In a world filled with modern medicines, there’s something undeniably comforting about turning to nature for healing. Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium), a modest yet powerful herb, has been a trusted remedy for centuries, particularly for those suffering from fevers and headaches. Let’s dive into what makes Feverfew so special and how it can become a natural ally in your wellness routine.

Herbal Powers of Feverfew 

Feverfew is a flowering plant native to Europe, but it has found its way into gardens and herbal medicine cabinets worldwide. Traditionally, it has been used to aide in a wide range of ailments, including arthritis, insect bites, and even digestive problems. However, its most famous use is as a natural remedy for headaches and fevers.

The active compounds in Feverfew, particularly parthenolide, are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing the severity and frequency of headaches, especially migraines. It modulates the release of serotonin from platelets and other brain cells which helps prevent the blood vessel constriction and subsequent dilation that trigger migraines. It also inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins which reduces the inflammatory response and helps alleviate the intensity and frequency of pain. 

As its name suggests, Feverfew is also very much cherished for its fever-scavenging properties. It works by inhibiting the production of proinflammatory cytokines that in turn aids lowering body temperature. It further works on histamine and bradykinin to stabilize body temperature and manage fever symptoms. 

How to use Feverfew

Adding Feverfew to your daily routine is easy, and it can be done in a way that suits your lifestyle. Here’s how you can make the most of this powerful herb:

Feverfew Tea

Our Feverfew Tea is a soothing blend designed to bring relief from headaches and fevers. Simply steep a teaspoon of dried Feverfew leaves in hot water for about 10 minutes, and enjoy a warm, slightly bitter tea that can help ease your symptoms. For added flavor, try mixing in a bit of honey or lemon.

Migraine Tincture

If you prefer a more potent option, our Migraine Tincture is perfect for you. Just a few drops under the tongue or mixed into water can offer quick and effective relief from migraine symptoms. The tincture is easy to carry with you, ensuring that you have access to Feverfew’s benefits whenever you need them.

Whether you suffer from frequent headaches or just want a natural way to manage occasional fevers, Feverfew could be the herbal remedy you’ve been searching for. Our Feverfew Tea and Migraine Tincture are crafted with care to ensure you get the best of what this powerful herb has to offer.