Herbs to Help with Postpartum Depression

Herbs to Help with Postpartum Depression

By Shannon, Posted in Herbal Remedies

Tears of joy!

Tears of exhaustion!

Terribly painful laughs with surprisingly delicious meals!

Driving away from the hospital with a baby in arms promises a life full of joys and celebrations. Sure there are baby storms with non-stop sleepless nights, changing diapers, feeding, kissing, and swaddling but the extraordinary ecstasy is enough to lull those regretful feelings.

But what if those regretful feelings don’t shush?

What if they stay a little longer than they should, making you feel hopeless and not suitable for the tasks at hand?

What is Postpartum Depression?

Every one in seven women suffers from postpartum depression. What might start as baby blues can shape into postpartum depression if not addressed timely. It is considered a major form of depression that appears post-delivery and can take as long as a year to vanish. There is a constant nagging mix of feelings that emerge as sadness, hopelessness, confusion, irritability, frequent mood swings, fatigue, drastic change in appetite, anxiousness, and low sex drive. In severe cases, extremely sleep-deprived and malnutrition mothers are seen to have recurrent suicidal and infanticidal thoughts where they are on the verge of killing themselves and their babies. 

With all the scientific breakthroughs, you might be wondering whether they are safe to be a part of a lactating mother’s regimen. There have been many reported side effects that have led mothers to steer clear of them, worsening their condition in the process.

Today, we are about to unleash the 3 most powerful herbs that can bring you from the pit of darkness back to the realms of happiness.

3 Herbs for Postpartum Depression


Ashwagandha is a phenomenal adaptogen that improves the symptoms of postpartum depression by simply helping the body to cope with the stress at hand. It also resists physical and mental stress while calming the senses and fortifying the immune system. Adding Ashwagandha Tincture to your routine can fairly reduce the severity of fatigue, halt the generation of oxidative stressors, regulate the natural detoxification system, and relieve stress. However, if you are a breastfeeding mother, avoid using it.

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm is a cheerful herb that aims to spread joy and happiness everywhere possible. Its hefty antioxidant content along with nerve-calming properties makes it perfect to treat postpartum depression without posing side effects. It is especially fruitful for mothers who develop PPD after an emergency cesarean section. Incorporate Lemon Balm Tea or tincture into your diet and improve your symptoms. It is also safe for breastfeeding mothers too.


Motherwort is nature’s finest creation to cater to women-related anomalies. It is a real congratulatory gift for those who have stepped into the world of motherhood. It helps manage anger, depression, and frustration. Traditionally, it is used as a postpartum tonic that helps mitigate the irregularities that come with childbirth. When used in conjunction with raspberry, fennel, and chamomile, motherwort boosts the milk supply and reduces the flatulence that irritates your baby. Make yourself a healing cup of Motherwort Tea or use its tincture up to 3 times a day and say goodbye to the despair and overwhelmed feeling.

NOTE: None of these is a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any of these symptoms, make sure you’re being monitored regularly by a healthcare professional or herbalist.