Syringa is home to 25 well-known species of fragrant flowering shrubs. These deciduous plants are native to temperate Asia and eastern Europe. They put out an exquisite frame of beauty with their deep green, heart-shaped lanceolate leaves (sometimes pinnate in a few species) and four-petalled small flowers that appear in a large oval cluster, showcasing a magnificent color palette of deep purple, blue, lavender, red, pink, white, pale yellow, and cream.
It is not just the scenic beauty lilac plant is capable of enhancing, it has strong footings in the medicinal field too. Lilac flowers and leaves serve exceptionally when it comes to reducing fevers, expelling worms and parasites from the digestive tract, preventing the relapse of disease, and treating malaria. This nutrient-dense plant can also treat minor cuts, rashes, scrapes, sunburns, scabies, edema, bronchitis, productive cough, dry cough, cold and flu, cramps, and headache.
Lilacs are also munched about and taste divine when rolled in granulated sugar. People experiment profusely with this little diva, making wines, jellies, teas, cocktails, and whatnot. This show-stopping, heavenly-scented herb is brimmed with iridoids, phenylethanoids, phenylpropanoids, lignans, and many other beneficial constituents that grant lilacs their remarkable medicinal properties.