The versatile yarrow plant should be planted after all the dangers of the frost have departed. Both seeds and divisions can be used for the plantation of yarrow in between spring and early summer.
Yarrow needs full sun exposure, hot and dry climate, and well-drained soil. If anything does not meet the standards of yarrow, the plant will not tolerate and will manifest a leggy growth.
Yarrow can be started both indoors and outdoors, but the pot must be placed in a region where full sun exposure can be achieved in an indoor frame. To give the plant a good start and witness an overenthusiastic growth, grow yarrow in overly rich soil. It will grow way too tall (2 to 4 feet high) and sometimes this over-aggressive growth is not desirable so some portion of poor soil can be incorporated in the soil mixture.
Above all, a month-long stratification in the refrigerator can account for a superb growth of the yarrows.
Although yarrow is drought tolerant, but a period of no or less rain in summer makes it hard for the plant to look beautiful. The faded flowers are obliged to be deadhead in mid-summers to bring back new clusters of beautiful flowers. Also, after every 3 years, the dead stems are eradicated to ensure the vigorous health and growth of the plant.
Yarrow seeds take 14 to 28 days to germinate on the onset of favorable conditions. If its demands are not fulfilled, the seeds can take more than 100 days to germinate. The herbal militaris grows healthily and blooms from mid-summer through mid-fall.
The beautiful and attractive blooms come in different colors like yellow, pink, and white. These vibrant colors become the reason for welcoming different pollinating insects to the garden to permit the initiation of pollination. The process of fertilization results in the formation of mono-seeded fruits, known as achenes. The process of reproduction does not cease here. The underground rhizomes bring about the process of vegetative reproduction which accounts for the growth of the new plants from the parent plants.
The seeds of yarrow get dispersed by wind over a distance of 6.5 - 10 feet. The dispersion is held responsible for the undying lifecycle of yarrow.