St John's Dried - Hypericum Perforatum
St John's Dried - Hypericum Perforatum
St John's Dried - Hypericum Perforatum
St John's Dried - Hypericum Perforatum

St John's Dried - Hypericum Perforatum

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St.John’s Dried is your definite remedy for depression and anxiety. Straight from our herb farm in Sussex County into your healing pair of hands. Brew it as a cold or hot tea, add it to your syrups, or make a mystical tincture to get the most of St. John’s medicinal perks.

St. John’s Wort is nature’s oldest remedy for improving mood and quality of sleep. It encourages a healthy balance in emotions to help with depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), menopausal disorder, menopausal issues, somatic symptom disorder, and other nominal neurological irregularities.



Average Customer Rating: 2.000 out of 5 stars (1 reviews)

Only good for 4 months

by Kristie on Sunday July 02, 2023

Studies have proven dried St John''s Wort is only good for 4 months from being dried. After that the active ingredients breakdown. Do you state the drying date on each jar?

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