Parsley - Petroselinum crispum


Petroselinum crispum

The medicinal benefits of parsley are attributed to its rich array of active compounds. Parsley contains essential oils such as myristicin and apiole, which exhibit anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

  • Plant Family: Apiaceae
  • Plant type: Annual
  • Other names: Common Parsley, Garden Parsley
  • Medicinal: Yes
  • Culinary: Yes
  • Ceremonial: No
  • Parts Used: Leaves and Stems
  • Side Effects:
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About Parsley

Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a biennial herb native to the central Mediterranean region, including parts of southern Italy, Greece, and Tunisia. In its first year, parsley produces a rosette of tripinnate leaves with serrated edges, and in its second year, it grows a flowering stalk up to 1 meter tall, topped with small, yellow-green flowers. It is characterized by its bright green, feather-like leaves, and a deep taproot.

In traditional and modern medicine, parsley is valued for its wide array of health benefits. In folk medicine, it has been used as a diuretic, to treat urinary tract infections, and as a digestive aid. Ayurvedic medicine incorporates parsley for its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. In Western herbal medicine, parsley is used to support kidney function and to alleviate symptoms of indigestion. Its high vitamin C content also makes it beneficial for boosting the immune system and promoting skin health.

The medicinal benefits of parsley are attributed to its rich array of active compounds. Parsley contains essential oils such as myristicin and apiole, which exhibit anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. The flavonoid apigenin, found in high concentrations in parsley, is known for its antioxidant effects and ability to modulate enzyme activity and signal transduction pathways, contributing to its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects. Parsley's high levels of vitamins A, C, and K, along with minerals like iron and magnesium, support overall health by promoting cellular function, immune response, and blood clotting mechanisms. 



In colder regions, start parsley seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost date in spring. Transplant the seedlings outdoors after the danger of frost has passed. Alternatively, you can sow seeds directly in the garden as soon as the soil can be worked in spring. In temperate zones, you can start seeds indoors in late winter or early spring, about 6-8 weeks before the last frost date. Transplant seedlings outdoors once the weather warms up. Direct sowing in the garden can also be done in early spring. In warmer regions, plant it in fall or early spring to allow it to grow through mild winter and into spring, providing a prolonged harvest period. 

It prefers cool weather, so avoid planting during the hottest part of summer. It thrives in well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter and requires regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist.

In the first year, it germinates from seeds, producing lush, flavorful leaves. During mild winters or in warmer climates, it may persist, while in colder regions, it often dies back, regrowing from the root crown in spring.

In the second year, it bolts, sending up a tall flowering stalk with small, yellow-green flowers that produce seeds. Once it completes its flowering and seed production, parsley typically concludes its life cycle, though seeds may self-sow for subsequent growth. 



Parsley leaves can be harvested as soon as they are large enough to use, typically when they reach 6 to 8 inches in length. For the best flavor, harvest parsley leaves before the plant begins to bolt and flower. Once the plant starts flowering, the leaves may become bitter, and the plant's energy shifts towards seed production rather than leaf growth.

You can start harvesting individual leaves from the outer part of the plant, allowing the inner leaves to continue growing. Regularly harvesting leaves encourages the plant to produce more foliage.

Place fresh parsley in a plastic bag or wrap it loosely in a damp paper towel. Store it in the vegetable crisper drawer of your refrigerator. Make sure the parsley is dry before wrapping it, as excess moisture can lead to spoilage.

Another option is to freeze parsley for longer-term storage. Wash and dry the parsley thoroughly, then chop or leave it whole. Place the parsley in an airtight container or freezer bag and store it in the freezer. 

You can also dry parsley for later use. Tie bunches of parsley together and hang them upside down in a warm, well-ventilated area until dry. Once dried, store the parsley in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.


  • Tincture- Finely chop fresh parsley and immerse it in high-proof alcohol like vodka or brandy. Seal the jar and let it sit in a cool, dark place for 4-6 weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain and store in dropper bottles.
  • Tea- For parsley tea, steep fresh or dried parsley leaves in boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Strain and sweeten if desired, then serve hot or chilled.
  • Decoction- Create a parsley decoction by simmering chopped parsley in water for 20-30 minutes. Strain and use as a beverage or base for recipes.
  • Salve- Infuse olive oil with parsley by heating them together gently for 1-2 hours. Strain and cool before use as a topical remedy.
  • Syrup- Cook equal parts water and sugar with parsley until the sugar dissolves, then strain and refrigerate the syrup for culinary or medicinal use.
  • Infused Oil- Infuse chopped parsley with oil in a jar placed in sunlight for 1-2 weeks, then strain and store for culinary or cosmetic purposes.